
Filtering FAQ
Alt Legal's docketing (by default) will show you all your active matters sorted by the nearest due date. To find specific matters in your docket or ge...
Filters - Generally
The Filter menu is viewable by default on the left hand side of your docket view. It can be collapsed or re-opened at any time by clicking the grey ar...
Saved Filters
If you find yourself often using the same options in the filter menu, you can save a filter view by inputting the filter options then clicking the Sa...
Report Type
The report type filter is used to change how you view your docket. You have three options to choose from, Matters(Stacked), Matters(Table), and Tasks(...
Type Filter
The Type filter is used to narrow down the types of matters in your docket. If you only have one type, this filter will not be present. For example, i...
Matter Subtypes
Alt Legal has several matter types available to users (Trademarks, Patents, Disputes, etc), and within each matter type, we have an additional matter ...
Title/ Literal Element Filter
The Title/Literal Element Filter offers two ways to filter: by Title or by Literal Element . The Title is the internally given name of the matter. ...
Identifier Filter
The Identifier Filter could be referred to as a “numbers” filter. This filter allows you to search by any number that is associated with a matter. For...
Jurisdiction Filter
The Jurisdiction filter allows you to see all matters filed within a specific jurisdiction, or to exclude specific jurisdictions from your view. This ...
Status/Internal Status Filter
This filter can be used to search by both the status and internal status fields on your matters. You have options for including or excluding terms fro...
Tags Filter
The tag filter is how you will search for either custom user created tags or to filter based on our software created tags. The software created tags w...
List of Status Associated Matter Tags
ⓘ These tags are automatically applied to automated matters only, custom matters must be manually tagged. abandoned amendment appeals application pen...
Matter Parties Filter
The Matter Parties Filter allows you to filter your docket based on any portion of the name of a party to the matter. For example, this filter will se...
Notes Filter
The notes filter can be used to search the notes on your matters. You have options for searching by either the title, description, or both. To remove ...
Contacts And Collaborators Filter
The Contacts and Collaborators allows you to filter by the assigned parties in the Contacts and Collaborators portion of a mark. When performing an ex...
Matter Dates Filter
The Matter Dates Filter will allow you to filter by a number of dates related to the matters in your docket. Your options will be dependent on the typ...
Timeline Dates Filter
The timeline dates filter allows you to filter your docket based on a specified interval of time. This filter gives you the option of filtering by eit...
Sort Order Filter
The Sort Order Filter allows you to sort the matters returned by your current filter into different arrangements. For example, you could filter all ma...