Saved Filters


If you find yourself often using the same options in the filter menu, you can save a filter view by inputting the filter options then clicking the Save button at the top of the filter menu. They can then be quickly retrieved under the Saved Filters section of the filter menu.

If you create a saved filter in either the Matters (table) or Entries (table) report type, the Saved Filter will capture both any filters you've applied, and your selected columns. This can significantly cut down on the time it takes to pull any daily or weekly reports that you might need.

Common Saved Filters

There are a number of Saved Filters that we've noticed across many accounts. Here are a few that we would recommend for anyone looking to save time:

Column Order

When creating a Saved Filter in either Matters (table) or Entries (table), your column selection and order is saved as well. If you find yourself constantly switching between different views, consider setting up a Saved Filter that can switch your view with the click of a button.

We've had clients set up Column Order filters for their preferred daily view, or for clients that frequently ask for portfolio reports. To do so:

  1. First, ensure you're in either the Matters or Entries (table) report type

  2. Use the Show/Hide Columns button at the top of the page and choose your desired columns

  3. Once your columns have been selected, click and drag them by their header rows to rearrange the order in which they appear

  4. Without applying any filters, click the Save button at the top of the filter menu

Upcoming Entries

A Saved Filter for upcoming entries can help you quickly review your most urgent deadlines at a glance. To set this up:

  1. First, ensure you're in the Entries (table) report type

  2. Use the Show/Hide Columns button at the top of the page and choose your desired columns, rearrange them as needed

  3. Use the Timeline Dates filter to search for entries due within your preferred timeframe, like the next 60 or 90 days

  4. Click the Save button at the top of the filter menu

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