Exporting Microsoft Excel Reports

You can create an Excel report from any report type (Stacked, Matters, or Entries). If you would like your Excel report to contain only certain matters, apply those filters before continuing with the following steps. 

Once you have the report you want, click the "Export" button, then the “Export to Excel(xlsx)" button at the top of the docketing page. 

A pop up appear containing report settings. By default, the report settings will include the filters you have selected and the fields you used in your last report (or all the fields if this is your first time running a report). To remove a field, click the checkbox next to its name. To select only a few fields, click the link that says, “Select none” and then check the checkboxes next to those you want to see. To run the report with all your trademarks instead of only the filtered results, select the “All matters” option at the top of the pop up. You can also choose whether you would like to include tasks or deadlines in the report and whether you want custom and/or statutory dates in the report. 

When you have selected the fields you want to see in your report, type the email address where you would like the report sent, and click "Email Report." The report will be sent to the email provided. If the report contains a large number of matters, it may take several minutes to be generated and sent.

You'll receive a confirmation that the report is being sent. Click "OK" to close the dialog box and return to your filtered report.

In a few minutes you'll receive an email with a link to click to download the Excel report. Simply click the link to download the Excel report to your computer's default download location.

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