Export Fields for Trademarks
Timeline Related Fields
Entry Sheet
Entry Title | The text of the entry |
Entry Date | The current date of the entry |
Entry Details | The description of the entry |
Official Due Date | The date a statutory action is due |
Official Grace Date | The end of a renewal grace period |
Official Start Date | The first date available to file a renewal |
Matters Sheet
Next Entry Date | The entry date of the next future-dated entry on the matter |
Next Entry Title | The entry title of the next future-dated entry on the matter |
Next Official Entry Title | The entry title of the next future-dated official entry on the matter. Includes options for Official Start Date, Due Date, and Grace Date |
Trademark Specific Fields (alphabetically)
Allowance Date | The Notice of Allowance date for USPTO Trademarks |
App. Date/Filing Date | The serial/application/filing date for the trademark |
Application Number | The serial/application/filing number for the trademark |
Based-on App. Date | If applicable, the application date of the trademark the filing is based on |
Based-on App. Num. | If applicable, the application number of the trademark the filing is based on |
Based-on IP Office | If applicable, the IP Office of the trademark the filing is based on |
Based-on Priority Date | If applicable, the priority date of the trademark the filing is based on |
Based-on Reg. Date | If applicable, the application date of the trademark the filing is based on |
Based-on Reg. Num. | If applicable, the application date of the trademark the filing is based on |
Claims | The listed claims on Canadian trademarks |
Class. Descriptions | The descriptions of the Goods/Services of a trademark |
Class. Numbers | The Nice classes of the Goods/Services of a trademark |
Collaborators (All) | The listed Collaborators on a given trademark |
Collaborators w/ Roles | The listed Collaborators on a given trademark and their current roles. Has an option for viewing the roles as separate columns |
Contacts (All) | The listed Contacts on a given trademark that have been assigned a label |
Contacts w/ Roles | The listed Contacts on a given trademark |
Customs Recordals | If applicable, any customs recordals related to the trademark |
Description | A description of the trademark |
Designations (Inline) | For WIPO trademarks only, a comma-separated list of the designations |
Designations (List) | For WIPO trademarks only, a list of the designations separated by a line break |
Disclaimer | Any disclaimers associated with the trademark |
Docket Number | The current docket number of a given trademark |
Exp. Date | The expiration date on a trademark, also known as the renewal date |
File Ref. Number | A usable field on most matters, can be used as a client reference number, or an agent reference number |
Filing Basis | The filing basis of the trademark |
Image | The image associated with a trademark or patent |
Int. Reg. Date | For WIPO trademarks, the international registration date |
Int. Reg. Number | For WIPO trademarks, the international registration number |
Internal Status | A custom field where a status separate from the official status can be recorded |
IP Office | The jurisdiction of a trademark |
Literal Element | The literal element of a trademark but if no literal element is present such as on a patent, it will display the title of the trademark. |
Matter Title | The title of a trademark- Usually the literal element of trademarks, but is able to be altered by users, and is often the name of a patent, copyright or dispute |
Matter Type | The type of matter in Alt Legal - Patent, Trademark, Copyright, etc. |
Notes | The notes on the trademark |
Owners (All) | The total list of owners for a trademark |
Owners (Current) | Just the current owner of a trademark |
Prior Expiration Date | The previous expiration date of the trademark |
Priority Date | If applicable, the priority date of the trademark |
Publication Date | The date the trademark was published |
Recordals | The recordals associated with a Canadian trademark |
Reg. Date/Issue Date | The date the trademark was officially registered |
Registration Number | The number given to a trademark upon becoming registered |
Representative | The attorney of record, or Agent for CIPO trademarks |
Status | The current status of the trademark (i.e. Registered, Office Action Issued, Pending, etc) |
Status Date | The date of the current status |
Tags | The custom tags currently on a trademark |
TSDR Docket Number | The docket number associated with the trademark filing at the USPTO |
Type | The type of trademark (Standard Character Mark, Logotype, Logomark, etc) |