Export Fields for Trademarks


Timeline Related Fields

Entry Sheet

Entry Title

The text of the entry

Entry Date

The current date of the entry

Entry Details

The description of the entry

Official Due Date

The date a statutory action is due

Official Grace Date

The end of a renewal grace period

Official Start Date

The first date available to file a renewal

Matters Sheet

Next Entry Date

The entry date of the next future-dated entry on the matter

Next Entry Title

The entry title of the next future-dated entry on the matter

Next Official Entry Title

The entry title of the next future-dated official entry on the matter. Includes options for Official Start Date, Due Date, and Grace Date

Trademark Specific Fields (alphabetically)

Allowance Date

The Notice of Allowance date for USPTO Trademarks

App. Date/Filing Date

The serial/application/filing date for the trademark

Application Number

The serial/application/filing number for the trademark

Based-on App. Date

If applicable, the application date of the trademark the filing is based on

Based-on App. Num.

If applicable, the application number of the trademark the filing is based on

Based-on IP Office

If applicable, the IP Office of the trademark the filing is based on

Based-on Priority Date

If applicable, the priority date of the trademark the filing is based on

Based-on Reg. Date

If applicable, the application date of the trademark the filing is based on

Based-on Reg. Num.

If applicable, the application date of the trademark the filing is based on


The listed claims on Canadian trademarks

Class. Descriptions

The descriptions of the Goods/Services of a trademark

Class. Numbers

The Nice classes of the Goods/Services of a trademark

Collaborators (All)

The listed Collaborators on a given trademark

Collaborators w/ Roles

The listed Collaborators on a given trademark and their current roles. Has an option for viewing the roles as separate columns

Contacts (All)

The listed Contacts on a given trademark that have been assigned a label

Contacts w/ Roles

The listed Contacts on a given trademark

Customs Recordals

If applicable, any customs recordals related to the trademark


A description of the trademark

Designations (Inline)

For WIPO trademarks only, a comma-separated list of the designations

Designations (List)

For WIPO trademarks only, a list of the designations separated by a line break


Any disclaimers associated with the trademark

Docket Number

The current docket number of a given trademark

Exp. Date

The expiration date on a trademark, also known as the renewal date

File Ref. Number

A usable field on most matters, can be used as a client reference number, or an agent reference number

Filing Basis

The filing basis of the trademark


The image associated with a trademark or patent

Int. Reg. Date

For WIPO trademarks, the international registration date

Int. Reg. Number

For WIPO trademarks, the international registration number

Internal Status

A custom field where a status separate from the official status can be recorded

IP Office

The jurisdiction of a trademark

Literal Element

The literal element of a trademark but if no literal element is present such as on a patent, it will display the title of the trademark.

Matter Title

The title of a trademark- Usually the literal element of trademarks, but is able to be altered by users, and is often the name of a patent, copyright or dispute

Matter Type

The type of matter in Alt Legal - Patent, Trademark, Copyright, etc.


The notes on the trademark

Owners (All)

The total list of owners for a trademark

Owners (Current)

Just the current owner of a trademark

Prior Expiration Date

The previous expiration date of the trademark

Priority Date

If applicable, the priority date of the trademark

Publication Date

The date the trademark was published


The recordals associated with a Canadian trademark

Reg. Date/Issue Date

The date the trademark was officially registered

Registration Number

The number given to a trademark upon becoming registered


The attorney of record, or Agent for CIPO trademarks


The current status of the trademark (i.e. Registered, Office Action Issued, Pending, etc)

Status Date

The date of the current status


The custom tags currently on a trademark

TSDR Docket Number

The docket number associated with the trademark filing at the USPTO


The type of trademark (Standard Character Mark, Logotype, Logomark, etc)

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