Adding Your Calendar to Outlook


To add your Alt Legal calendar to your Outlook, you will need to subscribe to it. Downloading the calendar file will not allow it to be automatically updated even if changes are made.

It is recommended that you subscribe to your Alt Legal calendar through the Outlook Web App.

Your URL link is found in the Settings page on the left side menu. Every link is user specific.

Subscribe to a calendar with

If your Outlook Web App's menu bar looks like this:

  1. Sign in to

  2. At the bottom of the page, select the calendar icon.

  3. In the navigation pane, select Add calendars.

  4. Select Subscribe from web.

  5. Under Link to the calendar, type the URL for the linked calendar.

  6. Under Calendar name, type the name you want to use for the calendar. We recommend calling it "Alt Legal Calendar".

  7. Select Import.

If you don't see the Add calendar option, you might have the navigation pane collapsed. To expand it, you'll need to click the icon with three lines at the top of the calendar.

If your Outlook Web App's menu bar looks like this:

  1. Sign in to Outlook on the web.

  2. At the bottom of the navigation pane, click the Calendar icon.

  3. On the toolbar, click Add calendar.

  4. Click From Internet, and in the Link to the calendar box, type or copy and paste the web address of the calendar.

  5. In the Calendar name box, enter a name for the linked calendar. We recommend calling it "Alt Legal Calendar".

  6. Click Save.

Subscribe to a Calendar from the Outlook Desktop App

  1. Switch to the calendar mode.

  2. In the "Manage Calendars" group located on the toolbar, click "Open Calendar".

  3. Select the "From Internet" option.

  4. Provide the path of your Internet calendar file.

  5. Click OK.

If you are unable to locate the link for your Alt Legal calendar, please contact us.

Please note that syncing your Alt Legal calendar will only show task and deadline dates occurring within the next three years. Dates will automatically sync once they're within a two year period.

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