Account Types and Access Levels


There are two types of accounts in Alt Legal: 

  • Collaborators are internal to your organization. They tend to be attorneys, paralegals, or other stakeholders at your organization.

  • Contacts are external to your organization. They are usually clients, foreign counsel/agents, or your neighborhood pizza shop (always keep their contact info close by)

Contacts and Collaborators can be attached to any matter or form in your docket, and you can define their access levels per matter.


Potential Collaborator Access Levels

There are three access levels for a collaborator:

  • Read-only - This is the lowest access level for collaborators. Matters and forms may be viewed but not edited, and users can create reports, exports, and send template emails.

  • Read & Edit -  In addition to the abilities above, Matters and Forms may be edited, but not deleted.

By default, these collaborators cannot docket new matters, but the option to do so can be enabled upon request.

  • Read, Edit & Delete - The collaborator can view, create, edit, and remove matters. Collaborators with this access level are also referred to as "Administrators." They have full access to everything in the docket, regardless of assignment and access level, and can fully manipulate the Contacts, Collaborators, and Firm Information. Administrators also have access to the Firm Docket and Firm Forms page, where they can see all docketed matters and forms created, regardless of whether or not they are assigned to them.

It's possible to give collaborators with Read-only or Read & Edit access the ability to view the Firm Docket, which is typically exclusive to Administrators. You can enable this option for any collaborator in your docket by locating their name on the Collaborators page and navigating to the Firm Assignment Defaults section.


You can use custom roles to designate a collaborator's relationship to a specific matter. Roles can be used to make it clear if someone is an Attorney or Paralegal, or something more specific like a Working Attorney or Billing Attorney. A collaborator can have different roles on each matter they are assigned to. You can also select default roles that will appear every time they are assigned to a new matter.


Alt Legal's autotracking feature can track a collaborator's correspondent email address to automatically docket new USPTO trademark filings. When creating a new collaborator, it is important to decide whether their email should be tracked. You can add new emails to track under the Autotracking section on the left, or contact the support team at [email protected].


Potential Contact Access Levels:

There are only two access levels for collaborators, but there is one additional level if they are attached to forms.

  • No Access - The contact cannot see or interact with the matter.

  • Read-Only - The contact can see a limited amount of information about the matter.

  • Fill & Read - This is specific to Forms, and will allow the contact the ability to fill in fields on the assigned Form.

Access Level Breakdown

Here are the access levels again, separated by whether it’s a Matter or a Form:



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