Migrating Data into Alt Legal
We are pleased to offer data migration at no cost. We can migrate data as part of your account setup or at any time in bulk if you need to add dozens or hundreds of filings to your account at once. Please note that we will need an export of your data from an existing docket in Excel or CSV format to provide this service for free.
ⓘ We are able to provide a blank Excel template that can be used to help migrate your data. Please reach out to [email protected] for the latest version of the template.
Initial Data Migration
To migrate your data, we will be asking you to create three Excel reports:
an export of your USPTO and CIPO trademarks;
an export of your international trademarks; and
an export of your non-trademark matters (if applicable).
You can create these reports using your current docketing systems built-in Excel reporting / export functionality. Please note that our migrations are substantially programmatic to reduce errors from manual data entry. As a result, please ensure that each column only includes one data type per column (e.g., don’t use fields that combine both application date and registration date in a single column) and that each row corresponds to a single matter.
For all reports you want migrated, please ensure that there is only one data type per column, per cell.
USPTO and CIPO Marks
In general, any public information will come in from our USPTO and CIPO data feeds, so we will be relying on you to provide us exports of non-public information in Excel. For USPTO marks, our customers typically export the following fields:
An unique identifier set by your current docketing system
Application Number
Client Contact
Incomplete Actions
For CIPO marks, please use the national application number, not any provided IR/WIPO number.
Non-USPTO and CIPO Marks
For non-USPTO/CIPO marks, we need as much of the information that you would like to import. This will include public and non-public information. You may need to create multiple reports to export all of your data points.
If you are creating multiple reports, please be sure to include docket number, application number, and country on each report so we can use these data fields to merge your reports.
For all reports you want migrated, please ensure that there is only one data type per column, per cell.
For non-USPTO/CIPO marks, our customers typically export the following fields:
Patents & Non-Trademark Matters
We need all of the fields that you would like to import. This will include public and non-public information. The fields you select will depend on the docketed items, and we can map any unaccounted for fields into the matter as a note.