Trademark Data Review

Updated by Sophia


Your non-USPTO/CIPO have the option of connecting to a third-party trademark data aggregator to populate the bibliographical data of your trademarks.

In order to connect to the data aggregation service, you will need both the Jurisdiction and the Application Number or Registration Number of the trademark. Once entered, Alt Legal will connect to the service and provide data for you to review and accept, or reject.

When you see the blue lock and unbroken chain icon, you'll know your mark is now connected.

Using Review Mode

Once your mark is connected to the third-party data source, you are given access to the "Review Mode". There will be a button to enter review mode in the top right, as well as a small icon next to the "View" and "Edit Modes"

Fields with data available for review will be highlighted in Blue. Clicking a field will allow you to accept or reject the available data.

There is a pencil icon available within the fields to let you edit the data prior to acceptance.

Connection Statuses


This mark is not currently connected to the third-party data source, so it will not provide you with data updates. The mark will no longer have a review mode, and any updates will need to be more manually handled.


This mark is now connected to the third-party data provider, and you will receive notifications when there is a change in the data. You have full access to the review mode to accept or reject changes as needed.

Cannot Connect, application/registration number not found

The application number as entered into the field didn't match up with any records at the third-party data provider, so no connection could be made. Either the mark isn't at the data provider at all, or there is a typographical error in the field. For tips on getting marks to connect, click here.

This does not mean that the data won't be saved, the system will automatically save all data you enter even if it doesn't connect.
Identifier fields are missing

The unique identifying numbers are missing from this trademark, so there's no information that can be used to connect to the data source.

Data Connection isn't available for [Jurisdiction]

While expansive, there are some jurisdictions for which no data is available at all. For a list of jurisdictions not available at this time, click here, most being territories.

Disconnected due to matter inactivation

The matter will no longer look for updates or notify you of changes at the data aggregator as the trademark has been inactivated.

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