Filtering FAQ

Updated by Sophia


Alt Legal's docketing (by default) will show you all your active matters sorted by the nearest due date. Because we’re showing you all your active matters already, we don’t have a search function. Instead, we have Filters. Each of the Filter options available on the left side of the docket will help you narrow down your matters to just what you want to see.

Let’s say that you’re tasked with building a report that shows all trademarks owned by Paramount Pictures and that also have a non-final office action. Watch the below Filters “sentence” get applied, then see the steps under the gif that were used to generate the report.

What you’re seeing there is the filters as they are being applied to the docket. At the end, the sentence says what we need it to in order to get the results we want for our report.

  1. Use the Type Filter to narrow the results to just Trademarks (optional)
  1. Use the Matter Parties Filter to look for owners that include the word “Paramount”
  1. Apply the Tag Filter to get just matters that have non-final office actions

Useful Filters

Here are some filters that our clients find the most useful:

Identifier Filter:

This filter is where you’ll find the different numbers that can be found on a matter, like application number, registration number, or docket number. To learn more about the Identifier filter, see this article: LINK

Tag Filter:

This might be the most powerful filter available if you learn to harness it. While we will automatically apply some tags, the true power lies in making your own. For more on using the Tag filter, see this article: LINK. To see how to make your own custom tags, see this article: LINK

Matter Parties Filter:

This is how you can find matters based on the parties that are associated with the matter. You could also find plaintiffs, defendants, authors, or inventors with this filter. For more, see this article here: LINK

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